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We are an online platform with the goal to change the world one church, one ministry one conference at a time.


Lynden Williams is a native of the Bahamas and an ordained minister of the Seventh-day Adventist church. He has worked for the Seventh-day Adventist church since 1994 and has served in several capacities.

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White Structure

Our Company

  • Mission - To proclaim the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ to the world.


  • Vision - To assist the church in developing excellence in the fulfillment of its mission using a digital platform.


  • Value - Integrity, innovation, honesty, collaboration.


  • History - This is the dream of one individual that was born on the campus of Northern Caribbean University in Mandeville, Jamaica.


  • Goals - To develop a series of products and services, inclusive of training, seminars and publications to assist the church in its ministry.

The Logo

It is comprised of my name which encircles the four methods of communication for this platform.


  • Bible Lessons

  • A microphone

  • A computer

  • A video Camera

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Lynden Williams Communications


  • Analytical

  • Quiet/Sometimes Sporadic

  • Fiercely Loyal

  • Seeks Authenticity

  • Passionate About My Causes

  • Wants to Change the World

  • Bahamian

  • Ordained Minister

  • Father

  • Husband

  • Helper to Many

  • Friend to Few

Work History


Electrician Apprentice

Bible Worker

Religious Knowledge Teacher

District Pastor

Assistant Communications Director

Sabbath School Coordinator

Spirit of Prophecy Coordinator

Bible Studies Coordinator

Information Technology Administrator





Holds a Master's of Arts in Pastoral Theology from Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary.


  • Electrician journeyman


  • Completed one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education.


  • Beta Tested every version of Logos Bible Software since 2004.


  • Has completed numerous certificates in Pastoral Ministry.



I consider myself a knowledge junkie. If I can understand it and its impact on life, I will probaby read, watch listen to it. I have an interest in renewable energy, electric vechicles, and computer technology.


I am a nature lover and technology enthusiast. I am the host and teacher of "Focus On the Word" a half hour radio broadcast on Word SBC 88.3 FM in the Bahamas..

Teaching - Training - Technology
Empowering the Church To Change the World
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