Welcome to the Forums
Welcome to the Forum. Use our forum as a discussion board to talk about topics linked to our website or one of the categories listed here.
Forum Rules
Use these forums under the following conditions. If you are unwilling or unable to do so then this is not the place for you to engage others in discussions. Anyone may discuss a topic here provide you abide by some foundational principles.
Be civil and respective
This is a community with discussions anchored on the Judeo-Christian beliefs. Swearing, derogatory name calling, racist language etc., is a good way to have your post deleted along with your account. We can agree to disagree. Check it out.
Please do not use the forums to advertise your products or post links to other websites that are not in harmony with the spirit of the forums. Link to sites that contain violence, pornography, hate crimes, illegal narcotics etc., are not only banned, it may cause you to receive a visit from your local law enforcement agency.
Legal Affairs
We intend to fully cooperate with law enforcement in reporting any crime or possible legal activities posted on these forums.
Change of Policy
We reserve the right to change these policies and your continued use of the site demonstrates your agreement to these changes.
Enjoy using our forum!